Why pffft? Well I've been doing a lot of it this week..(yes yes I know...ranting again...ssh we're bonding right..now let me get on) Life is treating me a little shit of late (as it does everyone I know) I hate to moan but I always do on here, so I'm rolling with it. My old grandad used to say 'don't let the bastards grind you down' well ama trying grandad - lets rock!
I had a fabulous workshop tonight with a group of older ladies doing something with paint and rollers and stuff, I love my job; no day is ever the same..I'm surrounded by tossers who obviously can't do anything as good as me (their speaks a classic Leo) so I do it myself. That's the control freak in me which is why I'm very well suited to self-employment, because if something is shit or goes wrong only me to blame (something else I'm good at.)
Well as yet, this blog is shite.....sorry...yes I know..still ranting..I think I sound a little arsey, I'm not I think it maybe tiredness kicking in and also that my brain is filled with a zillion work things I have to do in a space of a few hours tomorrow when my monkey son is at school (so get to bed your dufus) Pfft...there I go again...yes I'm pffting but still smiling, so that's OK on the Lotty ricktor scale of life.
Its been a while since I blogged...a lot has happened and now its talking stock time, sitting back and taking it all in, processing it and figuring it out....still looking for a book on how 'to do' life on Amazon but its a no go...see you think they sell everything! Pfft.
No more 'pfft' this week, to much to look forward to and to get me motivated via work oh and family and friends that make me feel loved...I'm a lucky Artist this Charlotte loony lady and I'm glad things happen in my life that make me a better person, however much they make me pfft...got to love this short life we have we're lucky to be living and breathing it eh.
Night night, until next time xx *big Lotty hugs*
Very cute, funny blog post! :)