It’s been a while since I blogged, I think I might have forgotten how to do it, oh no, hold on look here we go.
Funny old month or so in Lotty’s life, lots of private stuff going on that hurts sometimes a bit more than being stood on by a giant with a weight problem, however as you all know I’m an eternal optimist and last week a bit of light shined and I’m powering through as they say. Who the fuck are ‘they’ when people say that? Anyway, where was I? Oh yes what to blog about; I was pissed the other night (you know on cooking sherry, the good stuff mind) and I realized there are so many number of subjects I want to blog about but one that keeps cropping up and which has been a good source of my bright light this month is ‘social networking’.
It’s such a modern saying and I really don’t like the phrase, it makes me wince like when I’m epilating but it seems to be quite a source of smiles of late, but the difference is I used to fight it and think I shouldn’t be doing it, but now I don’t – ‘I am at one with ones social network’ For fucks sake…excuse me while I try and fold my legs across my knees and shave my head and start chanting whilst wearing a sheet!
Whatever your choice of poison (as you know mine is twitter) I love it because I actually get to say what I’m thinking and not give two flucks what people think. This is unique in life; it’s like having the freedom of a 5 year olds brain and mind of an adult in a sweet shop that doesn’t care about oral hygiene. I used to like it to nosey at celebs, yes we’ve all done that and tried to think of one liners to get another one liner back…cheap thrill, good at the time…move on please thank you. I also used to love noseying into people’s lives, but now I go on there so see how people are, who I actually care about. I know I’ve met some friends for life on there and it’s a bit mind blowing to be honest but all rather lovely; people who I have met and will meet in the future (oh by the way this isn’t a license to ask to meet me, so freaks please kindly piss off, before meeting anyone I get them checked by FBI and frisked and always I have minders with me when I meet anyone.)
The whole social networking malarkey brings me back to people, I love people, I love meeting and mixing with people from all warps of life, cultures and backgrounds and Jesus if you don’t find em on twitter I think you’ve typed in twatter into Google by mistake. Of course nothing replaces meeting someone in real life, but twitter allows you to meet people you never normally would. I love reading what’s going on in people’s minds, I don’t give a shit if you tell what you had for lunch, one day I might be interested and the another day I can just ignore it and scroll down.
Ultimately tough I like social interaction on any level, obviously real life is best. I have a knack for sussing people within five minutes of meeting them (some take longer but the Lotty force usually shines through) this is the reason why I love Big Brother; social interaction. Yes I know *rolls eyes* fluck off Lotty your thinking too deeply, no really it is. I watch it and I suss people/personalities out and watch how they rip each other up, look deeper than the gob, look at everything. Don’t get me wrong, yes it addictive trashy brain numbing entertainment but watch how the monkeys perform and act together in a confined space. Even today after it been rung out so many times like your swimming costume when you’re on holiday, look beyond the crap and look at the insecurities of people being forced to be socially interact with one another; it’s fascinating. Well I think so anyway, but I don’t go out much and I drink cooking sherry and watch big brother. Don’t listen to this looser, she meets stranger off twitter and blogs complete crap whist sitting eating ginger biscuits.
There, you see you didn’t know that now did you…sometimes it’s good to share…share wisely but socially interact freely.
Until next time children xxx